Business Services

Photo of Director of Business Services Becky HansenThe Kimberly Area School District provides a good return on investment to our taxpayers. The Business Services Department is proud to share that we are a high achieving and low spending district. Our web page contains the following information:

  1. For those seeking overview level information about our District budget, we have created a Budget Overview for 2023-2024 and 2023-2024 Tax Details Overview. 
  2. The District's 2024-2025 ANNUAL MEETING BOOKLET disclosing our financial position at fiscal year end, along with the proposed budget adoption for the following fiscal year. For those of you who would like to attend the Annual Meeting, it is held the fourth Monday in September at the District's Administration Building. View the 2023-2024 Annual Meeting Booklet here.
  3. The 2023-2024  ANNUAL MEETING POWERPOINT PRESENTATION summarizes the Annual Meeting Booklet and is a little easier to understand. To view the 2022-2023 Presentation click here.
  4. The TAX LEVY AND BUDGET REVISION BOOKLET includes equalized property values and state aid, which determine the official tax levy / rate and our 3rd Friday student enrollment counts, which determine the amount of revenue the District receives, are not known until after the Annual Meeting. This booklet represents an update/revision to the budget that was adopted at the Annual Meeting. It is our official budget.
  5. Our most recent AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS provide an independent auditor's review of the financial activities of the District for the previous year, as well as the overall financial condition of the District.
  6. The 2023-2024 Community Service Fund (Fund 80) Overview outlines the budget for community service programs that are not directly related to school educational programs.
  7. Between March of 2020 and 2021, Congress passed three stimulus bills under ESSER with allocations of funding for school districts.  The following link summarizes the allocation of these funds, and the amount of funding that is or will be allocated to KASD and the performance period: ESSR III LEA Plan Report

If you would like to find out more about the financial position of the Kimberly Area School District, feel free to call me at (920) 788-7900.

Becky Hansen
Executive Director of Business Services and Sustainability