5K to 4th Grade: AwarenessElementary Career Planning 

What does Career Planning look like at our elementary schools?

Students in our elementary schools have a multitude of opportunities to experience the world of work through classroom instruction, field trips, guest speakers, and Career Planning geared life skills lessons. Each child is encouraged to explore their developing strengths and interests through our diverse curriculum.  Connections between strengths/interests and the world of work are developed early and explored through Life Skills classes each year. In addition to the information below, parents will receive information through newsletters and email related to Career Planning experiences at their school.

Questions about your child's Career Planning experiences? Contact your homeroom teacher or school counselor.

Below you will find the Career Planning experiences for students in 5K to 4th grade.

Click on each experience to learn more about what students will learn, who will be teaching it and how parents can support their learning at home.