KHS HackAppleton Teams took Second and Third Place

The team comprised of Samantha Haase, JeanMarie Lorentz, Tatum Schwobe, Courtney Quesnell and Ethan Sommer earned second place for their project

Congratulations to the Kimberly High School HackAppleton Teams that took second and third place at the recent student competition!
The team comprised of Samantha Haase, JeanMarie Lorentz, Tatum Schwobe, Courtney Quesnell and Ethan Sommer earned second place for their project! 
During the six hours of the event, competitors had to develop and code a program for a business scenario. 
They created an app that would allow people to order food online, tell you when it was ready and where to park to pick it up. Also, the KHS team comprised of Jacob Farrell, Ethan Newlin and Issac Yang took third place at the competition. 

So proud of these students for pursuing their potential in computer science! Read more about their accomplishment in this news release.