Administrative Team Honored with State Literacy Award

Administrative Team Honored with State Literacy Award

The elementary team of principals for the Kimberly Area School District has been honored by the Wisconsin State Reading Association (WSRA) as Outstanding Administrators.  Dr. Timothy Doleysh (Woodland Elementary), Sean Fitzgerald (Sunrise Elementary/4K Center for Literacy), Dr. Hercules Nikolaou (Janssen Elementary), and Jonathan Peterson (Westside Elementary) were nominated by the Mid-East Reading Council for their work supporting elementary teachers in high-quality research-based literacy practices. Building towards the vision of what has been called a “dialogic approach” to literacy, the principals set aside time for teachers to learn and grow as professionals and also made sure to dedicate their own collaboration time to understand how to coach and support teachers as they learned. This approach is unique because it focuses on helping students verbalize their thinking during the reading and writing process so that teachers can better tailor the instruction to meet each child’s literacy needs. The team was recognized and given their awards on Saturday, February 8 at the 2020 WSRA Conference in Milwaukee. 

Read more about the teams accomplishments in this news release.