What are the school hours?
School starts at 8:35 AM and ends at 3:35 PM. Students should not arrive before 8:20 AM as there is no supervision before that.
What are the lunch hours?
Grade | Lunch | Lunch Recess |
5K | 11:05-11:30 | 11:30-11:50 |
1st | 11:35-11:55 | 11:55-12:15 |
2nd | 12:00-12:20 | 11:40-12:00 |
3rd | 11:50-12:10 | 12:10-12:30 |
4th | 12:15-12:35 | 11:55-12:15 |
How do I register my child for school?
What do I need to bring in?
Birthdates are confirmed through the Wisconsin Immunization Registry. Students 4K through 2nd grade that are non-immunized or registering from out of state, must bring in an ORIGINAL birth certificate for verification. The certificate may be brought in to any elementary office, the 4K office or the district office.
What and how much are the general fees?
The general fees are used to offset supply costs for the school (i.e. paper, school supplies, work books, etc.) 5K fees are $20.00, 1st - 4th grade fees are $30.00. Fees are subject to change annually.
What do I do if my child will not be at school?
If your child is going to be absent for any reason, we ask that you please call the office. If for any reason you know that your child is going to be out ahead of time, we would ask that you notify your child's teacher and please notify the office as well. We appreciate your help in keeping us informed. If you need to call prior to the office opening, please leave a message on the night voicemail and we will pick it up when we open the office at 7:30 am. The office number is 954-1822
Can my child take medications at school?
Yes. There are medication forms available in the school office or on the district web-page. These forms are needed for all prescription and over-the-counter medications (i.e. cough drops, pain relievers, etc.). Prescription medication forms require a doctors signature as well.
What are the student pick up and drop off procedures?
Please view the drop off/ pick up & Traffic Flow details here.
What are the dangers of a nut allergy?
The Kimberly Area School District Health Services has noted an increase in children with ground nut (peanuts, monkey nuts) and tree nut (cashews, walnut, almonds, Brazil, hazelnuts) allergies. Children who have severe allergies to nuts could have an allergic reaction and potentially die. An exposure is not just the child eating the nut product in some cases. A reaction could also occur from touching a nut product, touching a child who ate a nut product and didn't wash their hands, touching an object (ball, door handle, etc.) that someone who ate a nut product touched and didn't wash their hands, or even from inhaling the vapors of a nut product. In an effort to help make our classrooms a safe place for every student, we are asking for the cooperation of staff, parents and students.
What are some safe snacks to send?
- Graham Crackers®
- Teddy Grahams®
- Ritz Crackers
- Wafers
- Goldfish® crackers
- Plain Oreo Cookies®
- Rice Krispies Treats®
- Fresh fruit and vegetables
- Dilly Bars®
- Popsicles
- Cakes with no nuts or peanut oil