KASD's Academic Standards
What are academic standards? How are they used?
Academic standards identify what students should know and be able to do in the classroom within a given subject or content area. Standards serves as goals for student learning, guideposts for classroom instruction, and a framework for assessment. Academic standards also provide a critical foundation or starting point for the development of local curriculum.
What are examples of academic standards?
Social Studies example:
- Predict the opportunity costs of various decisions, and explain why the opportunity cost might differ from person to person or in different situations. (Source: Wisconsin Standards for Social Studies, Grade 6-8, Economics strand)
Science example:
- All organisms have external parts that they use to perform daily functions.. (Source: Wisconsin Standards for Science, K-2, Life Science strand)
Math example:
- Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm. (Source: Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, Elementary School – Grade 4, mathematical content standard)
English Language Arts examples:
- Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet. (Source: Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts, Elementary School – Kindergarten, foundational reading skill standard)
- Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. (Source: Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts, Middle School, writing standard)
How are academic standards different from curriculum?
One of the most common points of confusion seems to be the difference between standards and curriculum. While academic standards are a broad set of expectations for what students should know and be able to do, they are not an actual classroom curriculum. Curriculum represents the district’s implementation of the standards through its own local decisions and actions related to the development of courses and units of study. Curriculum development is characterized by a high degree of local control and decision-making as illustrated by . . .
- The School Board’s approval of courses and instructional materials.
- The development of units of study by district curriculum teams.
- The district’s adoption of selected instructional approaches such as balanced literacy.
- The daily instructional decisions of teachers to meet the needs of diverse learners in the classroom.
Who can I contact for more information about the District’s curriculum and/or academic standards?
Questions about curriculum and academic standards can be directed to John Schultz, Director of Student Improvement. He can be contacted by phone (920) 788-7900 or email.
What are the academic standards that will be in effect during this school year?
The School Board has adopted academic standards that will be in effect in the content areas of reading, writing, mathematics, science, history and geography. View the academic standards adopted for the current school year.
NOTE: This information is used on the District's website to meet the requirements that districts provide notice of its academic standards to parents and guardians.