Student Services

Janssen Elementary School offers a comprehensive school counseling program that supports our students by involving families, schools, and our community in helping children succeed.

Katie Wells

Katie Wells

School Counselor

Hi Janssen Families!  My name is Katie Wells and I am so happy to be a part of Bul...

Eric Brinkmann

School Psychologist

At Janssen, all students are given opportunities for:

  • Classroom life skills lessons in all homerooms covering academic, social and career topics based on ASCA’s Mindsets & Behaviors.
  • Community mental health referral and resource information
  • Individual problem solving or skill building sessions
  • Small group counseling
  • Transition services between buildings

To obtain additional information about any of these services, please see my contact information listed above. You may also view our KASD School Counseling webpage, which provides information about our comprehensive school counseling program. For more information about School Counseling services at Janssen, check out my counseling corner in many upcoming Janssen newsletters.