Project Starfish at JRG

Project Starfish Form

Limited Financial Assistance is available for activities, events and programs at JRG Middle School through Project Starfish. Forms to participate in Project Starfish can be picked up in the Main office or by clicking here.


Mission: Project Starfish narrows the achievement gap by providing students in need with resources they otherwise would not be able to obtain on their own. Through donations, identified students can access funds to pay for school supplies, attend field trips or address other miscellaneous needs that can help the student actively engage in their school experience. In return, the student recipient is expected to "pay it forward" with volunteer service at their school.  Giving back to their community will provide the student with valuable life lessons and help build the child's self-esteem as they are not merely receiving a handout.

Vision: All students shall have the means to pursue a wide variety of learning opportunities throughout their school experience. Project Starfish will remove economic barriers so that each student can reach their potential.


Early one morning a young girl was walking on the beach when she noticed thousands of stranded starfish that had washed up on shore. To try and save them, she began tossing them, one at a time, back into the ocean. When a passerby told her she couldn't possibly save all the starfish, she tossed one into the ocean and replied, "Well, I made a difference to that one." Inspired by the little girl, others came to help. Together, they made a difference.


  1. If students or parents encounter a need, they can reach out to the building principal or assistant principal. Alternatively, they may contact a trusted teacher who can connect them with a Project Starfish member.
  2. A confidential discussion is conducted to gather additional information about the individual's circumstances.
  3. Depending on the student's grade level, either the student alone or both the parent and student complete a worksheet. This helps identify the extent of assistance Project Starfish can provide and suggests ways it can be reciprocated through school service or community involvement.
  4. Every conversation and decision remain confidential.